Pathfinders is a Christ centered scouting club for boys and girls ages 10 and up. The club offers various recreational, artistic, nature, conservation, vocational, and outreach activities. Teen Leadership Training is also offered to help teens grow into future leaders. Meetings take place the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 5:00 p.m.
Progressive Classwork
Each meeting children participate in Christian classwork that helps guide them to a better understanding of Christ.
Most meetings club members learn about various topics such as recreation, art, nature, conservation, and vocation. Much of which can be used later in life.
Each year club members are encouraged to attend a yearly conference sponsored camporee event where they meet with neighboring clubs. The camping event lasts 4 days and 3 nights.
Teen Leadership
Club teens eventually grow into TLT's (Teen Leadership Training) envisioned to help grow future leaders in and outside of the church.
The culmination of Pathfinder Training is the Master Guide. Similar to Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout. Master Guide training is a mentoring program for youth leadership within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which serves the entire community.